This letter is to inform you of the Boycot now in effect against TwelveTribes businesses in your area in conjuction with the nationwide Boycot effort many years running.
Below are 24 pages condensed from over 200 Internet pages reviewed spanning 1984 to 2010 entitled:
Internet Indictment vs Twelve Tribes et al.
These Escapee Testimonials and published News Articles present a picture of this organization as being operated by a High Control, pseudo-religious cult that preaches and practices:
Child Abuse, Racism, Child Abuse, Mysogeny, Child Abuse, Intimidation, Child Abuse, Family Disorientation, Child Abuse, Kidnapping, Child Abuse, Xenophobia, Child Abuse, and Slavery, requiring workers here and everywhere to work over 60 hours per week at no pay, with crowded living conditions and no access to any outside media or contact, to support the jet set lifestyle of its founder and cronies through a corporate shell game.
This is documented by over 200 testimonials and published news articles at the websites below and many others available to you for independent search via: Google: Twelve Tribes.
(Searches of this document only, not full body.)
(24 pages from over 200)
Three days after the beating, Cloutier saw "twenty-four marks -- linear scars -- on Dartynn's legs."
According to Cloutier, Ro- land Church and his wife, Connie, drew diagrams of the bedrooms in communal houses in which children were beaten
Both Darlynn and Church's older daughter Rolanda told Cloutier of many other beatings they had-witnessed.
Children have been beaten, according to former members, for asking for one more strawberry, for refusing to take a nap, for wetting the bed.
, former members tell of child beatings and slave-like working conditions.
Beatings are administered with a balloon stick on the bare bottom or hands, which, the manual claims, produces a pain "that goes deep into the child, right to the heart, like electricity".
"The beatings were quite constant," said Michael Curry, who spent a year at the Picton commune.
People who have left this cult are not exaggerating about what goes on in it. I remember being beaten regularly until I bled.
I was always stripped naked and beaten with a switch from the back of my neck to my ankles, until I could barely stand.
(5). And unless you beat your children until their wounds are blue, you are not being a loving father or mother, in fact you hate your children.
We suspect most people eating at Maté Factor on any given day would say that they find nostalgia for slavery and patriarchy, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and child beating rather revolting.
Griffin says she often beat her own and other members' children for various violations of the group's strict mantra.
(age 7): Although we didn't like what was happening, we had no idea that we were experiencing sexual abuse. He began to spank us with the rod leaving big welts on our bottoms and thighs. We cried, but we were used to this kind of torture. This was the way of the cult. The children of the cult must have been beaten at least once everyday in a similar fashion for anything an adult thought was bad.
The pain was from the beating, the guilt, and the 7-inch rod that was inserted into my private parts. After he was done he told us all a phrase that I will never forget, "Now we can be FRIENDS."
He also advocates beating children with resin-dipped rods when they misbehave, because "the only way to erase the guilt in a child's selfish heart is with the rod."
Defecting senior members Michael Painter and James Howell have claimed some have been beaten almost to the point of death.
Cult children are not allowed toys, pets, or bicycles and are schooled on site. They can be beaten for showing emotion, imagination, for playing make-believe, for not responding on the first command and even crying. Children are taught to love their beatings and neglecting to discipline a child is regarded as an act of hatred.
The Sunday Mail/August 22, 1999
Zeb Wiseman, who spoke out for the first time in an exclusive Herald interview, said he was beaten, locked in rooms and mentally tormented by members
A visitor to the Picton community said toddlers were taught to hold their hands out to be beaten and were hit more if they cried.
In some cases the beatings were repeated 20 times a day - even for a two year old.
Once inside the house the children were made to feel guilty about watching the satanic skin fest; as if the kids had a choice in the matter. We were told that we would receive punishment for our sins
They live detached from reality and apparently an investigation initiated in France against the group uncovered the fact that they do not educate their children and that some describe the twelve tribes as a cult
The children seemed abnormally silent and submissive for such a large group, and the women kept quiet as the men sent orders around -the women and children are not allowed to read anything from the outside world)
"Child abuse law provides for authorities to intervene to see if there is a problem while criminal law allows authorities to intervene only if they can demonstrate that a problem (a crime) has occurred
SRS, because of a lack of cooperation on the part of the parents, had to obtain the assistance of law enforcement officials to gain access to a child who was alleged to have been abused or neglected.
Before June 22, the state had exhausted "all less intrusive ways to ensure protection of children."
When state's attorney filed petitions in November of 1982 to get temporary custody of four named children, law enforcement officers were unable to locate the children or to notify the parents; church officials said they had no knowledge of them.
On every occasion on which the secretary and deputy secretary of the Agency of Human Services visited elders in an attempt to arrange for the cooperative examination of children, they were unsuccessful
The state, he said, acted on these specific allegations, obtained during child custody hearings and from affidavits from former church members:
A named four-year-old was hit fifteen to twenty times for imagining that a block of wood was a truck.
A named seven-year-old was stripped naked by several persons besides her father for asking for more food. The spanking went on until her bottom bled.
A named three-and-a-half-year-old boy was "disciplined" until his neck bled.
A named thirteen-year-old girl was stripped to her underpants and hit with a rod for being deceitful. She had as a result more than eighty welts.
A named eleven-year-old was hit with a two-by-four for laughing at a church member, receiving a large blister and bruise.
According to Burchard's document, sworn statements by witnesses and victims attest to these acts of brutality; in several instances, photographic evidence exists.
At one custody hearing before the raid, Judge Mahady said: "At all material times while the children have been residing at that religious community, they have been subjected to frequent and methodical physical abuse by adult members of the community in the form of hours-long whippings with balloon sticks. These beatings result from minor disciplinary infractions."
"If they disciplined a child to death with love we'd never know about it. The laws of this country stop at the borders of Island Pond and have for six years .
(Rev.) Jenks is conservative; he believes that to spare the rod is to spoil the child. His quarrel with the cult is that "there's nothing more dangerous than to believe you are the only one in possession of the truth."
According to Cloutier, Ro- land Church and his wife, Connie, drew diagrams of the bedrooms in communal houses in which children were beaten -- information that Cloutier turned over to the state.
Children have been beaten, according to former members, for asking for one more strawberry, for refusing to take a nap, for wetting the bed.
Mattatall, a member of the cult for seven years, sued for custody of his five children, who had disappeared into the maws of the church
He did eventually gain custody of the children -- one of whom, one-year-old Lydia Mattatall, was found living at the time in Nova Scotia with Spriggs.
Before Mattatall gained permanent custody of his children, he recorded two of his daughters, eight-year-old Jennifer and six-year-old Anna, on tape:
"We want to feel decent," the voices say. "Do something like spanking us, or hit us . . . . Spank us or put us in the corner . . . . Do you rather put us in the corner, Papa? . . . If you love us . . . then you'll spank us. If you spank us, then you love us. If you don't spank us, then you don't love us . . .
That's what it says in the Bible."
Three members of a controversial religious cult which moved into Winnipeg this week are wanted across North America on child abduction charges, The Sun has learned.
Coughlin's name is well-known among children who were born into the cult and many contact him through e-mail, seeking help leaving
The group homeschools the children until about age 14, but because the kids are often shuttled between communities, it's difficult for states to track their progress.
Coughlin said the children who leave are immediately given basic skills tests and routinely score below average
State Probes Cult Child-Labor Scandal
NY Post.com/April 9, 2001
In the wake of The Post's report Sunday on the Twelve Tribes cult's child-labor practices, the state Labor Department has "launched an official investigation in the matter."
The Yellow Deli took the six small children of Mrs.Wilma Castleberry, separated them among Yellow Deli in three states, made at least one wash dishes until "11 or 12 at night" and refused to return them to their family until the police ordered them to do so,
also known as the Twelve Tribes, a messianic Christian sect accused by former members of harsh child discipline which in some cases could amount to child abuse, family break-up and thought control.
Members in the US were convicted recently of child sex offences and child labour violations
In Australia, former members tell of child beatings and slave-like working conditions.
Harsh discipline is one of the group's central tenets, as detailed in their 267-page Child Training Manual. Written by Spriggs (aka Yoneq), the manual claims that "the rod is an instrument of love", and that "you must make it hurt enough to produce the desired result".
Beatings are administered with a balloon stick on the bare bottom or hands, which, the manual claims, produces a pain "that goes deep into the child, right to the heart, like electricity".
but I know if we'd stayed my mom would be dead and I would have been married off at the age of 17 and maybe died in childbirth
…left your family and sometimes that means husbands/wives and children, told them they are all going to hell unless they follow you,
(5). And unless you beat your children until their wounds are blue, you are not being a loving father or mother, in fact you hate your children.
Spare the rod and spoil the child
Harsh discipline of children is a central tenet of a religious sect operating in Picton
The Sydney Morning Herald By Tim Elliott
March 24, 2008
Most disturbing of all, however, was the child discipline. In an effort to keep their minds pure, Twelve Tribes children aren't allowed to have toys, play games or make-believe. If a child disobeys these rules or fails to respond to an adult, he or she is hit on the bare bottom or hand with a 45-centimetre, reed-like stick, one of which is kept above the door ledge in every room.
"One spanking generally consisted of three to six hits," Klein says, with the rod regarded as "an instrument of love, not punishment".
Klein finally left in 2001, and has since regained custody of his children. But he hasn't seen his wife for seven years.
"The kids wonder why she doesn't get in touch. I'm not even sure where she is
Elbert Spriggs produced a teaching that dictates that every married woman must produce at least seven children regardless of her health.
“From the cradle to the grave you must discipline your children. From the age of 6 months you would start disciplining them with a rod on the palm of their hands and then you would stop when they are about one year old. From there you would discipline the children with a rod on their buttocks until they submit…" Elbert Eugene Spriggs
"We suspect most people eating at Maté Factor on any given day would say that they find nostalgia for slavery and patriarchy, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and child beating rather revolting."
John Sullivan in Ithica Community News.
Parents are required to discipline their children by striking them with a thin balloon rod dipped in resin to make it sturdy, or a bamboo stick.
Children are also locked in basements and rooms, sometimes for weeks.
Griffin says she often beat her own and other members' children for various violations of the group's strict mantra.
The group doesn't allow children to pretend or fantasize and bans magazines, books, TV, music and toys. Children are homeschooled and put to work in the group's factories and shops by age 14, ex-members say.
They were a wonderful couple with no major marital issues until this group convinced him that unless he hates his father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife and children that he is not worthy to be a disciple
If it was a wonderful life, over half of their children would not later leave, and would not be shunned for doing so.
And, concerning their child and baby discipline, do you really think it helps a child or baby to be hit with the balloon sticks? And, do you agree with the TT Cham teaching that black people should still be slaves to white people?
They also do this in front of your childern making them feel ashamed, afraid and embarrassed for their parents.
We cried, but we were used to this kind of torture. This was the way of the cult. The children of the cult must have been beaten at least once everyday in a similar fashion for anything an adult thought was bad.
Its racist teachings and a strict child-discipline policy have brought the group considerable controversy.
According to founder Spriggs, "Submission to [white people] is the only provision by which [blacks] will be saved."
He also advocates beating children with resin-dipped rods when they misbehave, because "the only way to erase the guilt in a child's selfish heart is with the rod."
Children start working alongside parents as young as 6 years old.
"But the parent cult has a lengthy court history of child abuse and abduction in the United States. In one high profile case, Darlyn Church, 13 claimed she was stripped to her underwear and given a seven hour "scourging" with a cane.
US authorities have discovered infants who died at childbirth, buried on cult property. Child deaths, often through negligence, go unreported"
Cult children are not allowed toys, pets, or bicycles and are schooled on site. They can be beaten for showing emotion, imagination, for playing make-believe, for not responding on the first command and even crying. Children are taught to love their beatings and neglecting to discipline a child is regarded as an act of hatred.
The Sunday Mail/August 22, 1999
After years of being abused, forced to work in factories, brainwashed and denied a normal childhood, Zebulun Wiseman finally found the strength to run from the ``high-control cult'' he says robbed him of his identity.
"They abuse children and they exploit members for virtual slave labor for nothing more than room and board,'' noted cult expert Rick Ross said,
Mr Klein, a qualified teacher, describes the education provided to Twelve Tribes children as abysmal.
"They don't want to expose children to anything outside of the cult, they don't get taught critical analysis and are disciplined for using their imagination.
"Their Child Discipline Manual is not handed out anymore, but they still tell you how to follow it.
"The manual says stripes or marks from disciplining shows love - the stripes are from hitting with a bamboo stick that leaves welts.
"David," a visitor to the Picton community who did not want to be identified, said children were lashed up to six times with a 1 m cane. In some cases the beatings were repeated 20 times a day - even for a two year old.
Throughout his travels, Spriggs spreads his gospel to his loyal followers, handing down bizarre New Testament interpretations, some of which promote racism, homophobia, child abuse and child labor
"She gets to shop and fly around the world while all the other women are in the communities taking care of children," Wiseman, son of the group's second-in-command, Charles "Eddie" Wiseman, said. "And all the other men are working their butts off, but Yoneq is out living it up."
This sad story shows how the Ithaca group can survive even without making great profits at Maté Factor: they appropriate the college funds of recruits. No need for college anymore now that you know that your true purpose in life is to
produce the children who will produce the children that will be
"martyred against Beast."
I drew the line at being casually told at breakfast that as a black person I should still be enslaved.
Yoneq is a textbook definition of a cult leader who lives in luxury on his several private properties while his minions slave away in the cramped communities without pay
For African Americans, it is our destiny which slavery was a righteous part of, Yoneq preaches, and only through knowing our place and joining the tribes can we be saved.
"The glory will be on Chamite slaves for their submission to unjust masters. .." (Spriggs)
"“Martin Luther King was filled with every evil spirit there is to say Cham doesn’t have to serve Shem. All manner of evil filled that man. It is horrible that someone would rise up to abolish slavery" (Spriggs)
"What a marvelous opportunity that blacks could be brought over here to be slaves so that they could be found worthy of the nations" (Spriggs)
And, do you agree with the TT Cham teaching that black people should still be slaves to white people?
Slavery: "It is horrible that someone would rise up to abolish slavery. What a marvelous opportunity that blacks could be brought over here to be slaves."
In Australia, former members tell of child beatings and slave-like working conditions. "It's exploitative," says George, a former ex-member who worked at the cafe in 2001. "You're brainwashed, working up to 20 hours a day baking bread and setting up the cafe, and you don't see a cent."
The women also slave their lives away working in the various cafes and Yellow Deli’s for the enrichment of the cult leader Elbert Eugene Spriggs
. The slave labor of the community members vastly enriches the Leader.
We suspect most people eating at Maté Factor on any given day would say that they find nostalgia for slavery and patriarchy, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and child beating rather revolting.
John Sullivan in Ithaca Community News
EXERPT from: “The Suspect Spirituality Of The Twelve Tribes”
El Pais 12/31/2006
Mikel Ormazabal - San Sebastian
Translated from the Spanish
It is midday in this heavenly place of San Sebastian. The mansion-farm of the twelve tribes rises to the summit of Mount Ulia, an enclave separated from any large city - maybe there are neighbors in their immediate vicinity, or perhaps a winery and a Basque school. "It is a hidden treasure in the countryside where we can live in peace," say the occupants. The bearded young man prepared to leave the house in a Mercedes van. His companion cut tree trunks with an electric saw and various children ran about the property while inside the house they prepared for celebration, like they do every Friday night, the celebration of Shabbat or Sabbath.
They live detached from reality and apparently an investigation initiated in France against the group uncovered the fact that they do not educate their children and that some describe the twelve tribes as a cult. "We are a simple people, comprised of single people and families with children, large and small that live together in harmony and unity, in surroundings full of order, respect and human affection" say their members.
"I felt trapped because of the twelve tribes." "I knew them when they sold their products in a market in the town of Guipuzcoa." "They were so kind and nice, so generous..." "They seemed very nice." "They gave us cookies and a leaflet of theirs." "In a few days we were living in the Ulia house. We were accepted by the community and they baptized us by immersion, like long ago.
Thus began the new life of Ne'eman, an ex member of the twelve tribes. It is a fictitious identity because he does not want to be exposed by the organization, and his name is in Hebrew, because within the group everyone adopts a Hebrew name. His account of 5 plus years spent in the community is a series of regrets and remorse that always ends with the same exclamation: "How could I fall like this." "It is a cult of total rules and regulations because they alienate their members. You have no liberty to verbally express yourself, your subordinate 24 hours a day and you cannot question anything." "They live under a type of collective hypnosis that takes away their capacity to make decisions," assures Ne' eman.
The name Yadid is not the real name of the other former member of the twelve tribes when he fled from San Sebastian almost two years ago. "When you become a member, you leave behind what they call your old man. When they baptize you, you renounce all of your material possessions and whatever contact you may have with your family and friends." Little by little they immerse you in their ideology until they succeed in reprogramming your mind."
"You are going to affect strongly your former life and develop a pseudo personality that allows you even to think and to act without liberty."
"The internal functioning of the twelve tribes is a typical example of a cult. They insist that they are a brotherhood, but there is a religious leader in a position of authority perfectly established. Underneath the outward appearance of a peaceful life dominated by their fondness of ecology and biological nourishment, self sufficiency and spirituality is hidden within a framework subtly designed to cancel the person," assures Yadid.
The twelve tribes communities are distributed all over the world. They have communities in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, England, France and Australia. Their presence in Spain is reduced to a rural house in San Sebastian e Irun (Guipuzcoa) where 50 people live together according to two former members.
The Commons Clara Rose Thornton
June 11, 2009
An African American woman sets out to learn organic farming and gets more than she bargains for
I called the Back Home Again Café and was directed to Aviva at Basin Farm, a woman with the charge of acclimating those who the Twelve Tribes call “single sisters.” She was ecstatic to hear from me, and we arranged for an on call pick up from the Bellows Falls Greyhound station ...a tiny bus stop of a hamlet I would have never known existed, feeling completely open to the next chapter of experience. Aviva was right there, smiles, optimism in tow, baggy pantaloons blowing in the wind.
Here I received my first hint of something a tad “off.” As we navigated twists and turns in her ancient car, at one point it seemed as if it might stall. She tapped the dashboard and said, “Come on, Abba! Abba, please!”
“You name your car, too? I have a lot of friends who do that,” I offered, trying to make small talk.
She paused and became very serious. “No, Abba is the name we have for our God, our father. ‘Abba’ is the Hebrew name for ‘father.’ Likewise, all of the brothers in the Twelve Tribes are called ‘Abba’ by their children, and the children call their mothers ‘Imma.’ Hebrew was the language of the original followers of Yahshua [Jesus], so we use it to be as pure as possible, hence the names we’ve chosen to take on."
Basin Farm, in fact, was not a member of wwoof; (sic) I’d been lied to. In the tumult of my situation, I hadn’t checked.
It was disconcerting how everyone looked exactly the same. All of the males, young and old, had a full beard and a ponytail of the exact same length, chopped to mid nape. The women all had very long pony tails and wore either baggy dresses, a baggy skirt with a tunic and vest, or bulky pantaloons that gathered at the ankles.
The children seemed abnormally silent and submissive for such a large group, and the women kept quiet as the men sent orders around - these two young boys, take my bags upstairs; these two ladies, fix me some yerba mate; this young girl, go prepare my bed. And big smiles from the men - always the vacant smiles.
There is no private space. No library (the women and children are not allowed to read anything from the outside world). No play room for toddlers (young children are strictly disciplined not to be “foolish,” as the adults say, meaning they should possess the strength of will and physical control of their bodies to stand like small adults during religious services, which a mentality of play would not encourage). No recreational areas for activity outside of sun-up to sun-down work.
I consider myself a student of people, situations, and experiences, and I initially thought of Basin Farm as merely an interesting conglomeration of individuals adhering to a thought out way of life that was vastly different from mine, and thus stood entertained. When Mary Ann once made a joke in the fields about “adhering to the cult,” suddenly a switch flipped on in my head. I hadn’t even thought of that word.
But things started falling together under that concept.
The women, who were the cooks, prepared only light tofu,- grain - and vegetable based dishes, and it was easy to get hungry again fast. Yet between meals snacking was looked upon as “greedy” and “undisciplined.” Once Mary Ann and I felt near fainting under the midday sun but had to toil with the rest.
“Keep us dependent. Keep our bodies and minds weak so we need you,”
Mary Ann joked.
By that time, with only a week passed, it didn’t seem like a joke to me at all.
The Commons Clara Rose Thornton June 11, 2009:
An African American woman sets out to learn organic farming etc. P2
I drew the line at being casually told at breakfast that as a black person I should still be enslaved.
“You know, the Twelve Tribes believes that the South was right in the Civil War.” I stared.
He continued. “How much better off were the blacks in servitude, learning about God and lifting their curse, than in the jungles of Africa?”
Members of the Twelve Tribes have an intricate network of beliefs handed down exclusively from their leader, a man named Elbert Eugene Spriggs, who they call “Yoneq” and who purports to be the second coming of the biblical prophet Elijah. They worship Jesus, calling him “Yahshua,” but that’s where any similarity to Christianity ends.
Yoneq is a textbook definition of a cult leader who lives in luxury on his several private properties while his minions slave away in the cramped communities without pay, offering all of their worldly assets to the tribes upon joining. He stays in obscurity most of the time but occasionally hands down a new law that “came to him” through divine intervention.
On March 19, 1991, Yoneq sent out the written decree “Cham and Servitude,” detailing the supposed plight of the African American race.
The Twelve Tribes believes that Noah’s three sons represented the races of man: Cham descendants became the black race, Shem begat the white race, and Japheth begat Asians. According to Yoneq, once when Noah was drunk aboard the ark, he passed out nude and Cham happened upon his father and neglected to cover his loins for him.
Because of this disrespect of his white father, black people are forever cursed in servitude to white people to eternally pay for this misstep. For African Americans, it is our destiny which slavery was a righteous part of, Yoneq preaches, and only through knowing our place and joining the tribes can we be saved.
The 1991 decree reads: “Cham is a unique race. If they could only know. Whoever of Cham’s seed learns respect from his servitude to Shem, the curse will be lifted from them. No blessing was mentioned in regard to Cham in Gen. 9:24-29, but only a curse… The glory will be on Chamite slaves for their submission to unjust masters. There is no other way for Chamites to inherit the nations than to fulfill the covenant of Genesis 9.”
Here’s the best part: “Martin Luther King was filled with every evil spirit there is to say Cham doesn’t have to serve Shem. All manner of evil filled that man. It is horrible that someone would rise up to abolish slavery. What a marvelous opportunity that blacks could be brought over here to be slaves so that they could be found worthy of the nations.”
Freedom of religion is a right in this world. But I have a hard time accepting the freedom to poison helpless minds. I have a hard time accepting the freedom to hurt, to restrict and to bastardize and annihilate self-worth.
And now, on this, the 25th anniversary of a shameful incident that brought this group of people to the cultural consciousness, I’m not sure what definitive statement to give to assess their current state. I do not know what should be done. I simply do not know.
“These people are pure evil and hide behind the religious banner…”
(Ed. Note: 25th anniversary of the Island Pond Raid 1984)
Exerpts from: Children and the Cult
New England Monthly December 1984 By Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
IN A DOCUMENT dated July 17, 1984, John D. Burchard, Ph.D., commissioner of social and rehabilitation services for the Vermont Agency of Human Services, defends the June 22 raid:
"Child abuse law provides for authorities to intervene to see if there is a problem while criminal law allows authorities to intervene only if they can demonstrate that a problem (a crime) has occurred. . . . The Island Pond action was . . . a preventive action taken under the standards, mandates and responsibilities of child abuse law . . . and taken under the authority of the Court." The action was not without precedent: "In the past three years there have been over 200 instances [in Vermont] where SRS, because of a lack of cooperation on the part of the parents, had to obtain the assistance of law enforcement officials to gain access to a child who was alleged to have been abused or neglected."
Before June 22, the state had exhausted "all less intrusive ways to ensure protection of children." In October of 1982, social workers attempting to investigate were refused entry to homes -- church members would not give their names and said either that they'd never heard of the individuals being sought or that those individuals had moved. When state's attorney filed petitions in November of 1982 to get temporary custody of four named children, law enforcement officers were unable to locate the children or to notify the parents; church officials said they had no knowledge of them. Again in January of 1983, state's attorney was unable to locate children or parents -- even though registered notices of the hearing date Were sent to named parents. The state continued to receive reports of abuse from former church members visited by SRS in four other states. In the summer of 1983, two elders were charged with simple assault of two children, both of whom had left the church after alleged beatings. On every occasion on which the secretary and deputy secretary of the Agency of Human Services visited elders in an attempt to arrange for the cooperative examination of children, they were unsuccessful. In February 1984, the church was unwilling to allow any Vermont physician to look at the children. The action of June 22 was therefore, Burchard maintains, "the culmination of a long, complex, and thoughtful process to protect the children."
The state, he said, acted on these specific allegations, obtained during child custody hearings and from affidavits from former church members:
A named four-year-old was hit fifteen to twenty times for imagining that a block of wood was a truck.
A named seven-year-old was stripped naked by several persons besides her father for asking for more food. The spanking went on until her bottom bled.
A named three-and-a-half-year-old boy was "disciplined" until his neck bled.
A named thirteen-year-old girl was stripped to her underpants and hit with a rod for being deceitful. She had as a result more than eighty welts.
A named eleven-year-old was hit with a two-by-four for laughing at a church member, receiving a large blister and bruise.
According to Burchard's document, sworn statements by witnesses and victims attest to these acts of brutality; in several instances, photographic evidence exists.
At one custody hearing before the raid, Judge Mahady, who would later declare the action of June 22 unconstitutional, said,
"At all material times while the children have been residing at that religious community, they have been subjected to frequent and methodical physical abuse by adult members of the community in the form of hours-long whippings with balloon sticks. These beatings result from minor disciplinary infractions."
Bernie Henault, Essex County co- ordinator of the Northeast Kingdom Community Action Agency, says,
"If they disciplined a child to death with love we'd never know about it. The laws of this country stop at the borders of Island Pond and have for six years . . . . I've heard them say [to Spriggs]: 'Did I do all right, Lord?' When I hear them say the Lord says this and the Lord says that, are they talking about our God up there, or are they talking about Elbert Spriggs?
"I never go and solicit anybody to leave. Because Jim Jones left San Francisco and went to French Guyana, didn't he? And look what happened there." Henault says the Northeast Kingdom church is missing two entire generations: Where are the older people? he asks. Where are the teenagers? "I get burnt out," he continues. "I had seven people in my office in one day that were leaving. I was up a wall." One afternoon a church member told him that he would "wake up some day and find out that the wrath of the Lord has fallen upon your head."
The church even approached his daughter. "We adopted a young girl last year -- twelve. And Donna had some special needs. She'd been in special education all her life. And these suckers are inviting her down to their Celebration and telling her how evil we are and that she should come and join. This is how they operate."
"They watch," he says later. "It's good, smart leadership, that group that plays with the system, that mocks the system and says, 'Here we are. We're a religious group. We're doing what we want and we're only responsible to the Lord.' The Lord, everybody says, is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Except maybe," Henault says, "it's Elbert Spriggs."
Selectman Bud Wade is "so . . . mad I can . . . hardly talk about it. It's hard to keep getting beat. We've tried everything, but the state won't even act on its own zoning ordinances to get those people. And those civil liberty lawyers are paid by the state to defend people who are just laughing at the state."
One might expect that the mainline churches would act to remedy the misery in lsland Pond, and to an extent they do. Father Connors has put up young people who wish to leave the cult at the Osborne and has seen them safely out of Island Pond. But by and large the mainline churches keep a low profile -- to avert bloodshed," according to church sources (or, more cynical voices say, because the churches are afraid to act lest they be acted upon). In many quarters the silence of the churches is interpreted as a perverse form of "do unto others": If the churches leave the cult alone, they too will be free from state intervention.
Reverend Dale Jenks of the fundamentalist Grace Breth- ren Church says, "There is no organized effort to help. Part of that is because when people leave the cult, they're still sufficiently indoctrinated to believe that we're evil. I don't- know what the answer would be," he says, "unless it's less publicity, less press. They rejoice in negative publicity." Jenks is conservative; he believes that to spare the rod is to spoil the child. His quarrel with the cult is that "there's nothing more dangerous than to believe you are the only one in possession of the truth."
Some quotes from leader Elbert Eugene Spriggs
Lying: "Our definition of lying means the intentional deception of those who had a right to know. Are we obligated to tell the devil the truth? Do the courts have a right to know what you know?"
Slavery: "It is horrible that someone would rise up to abolish slavery. What a marvelous opportunity that blacks could be brought over here to be slaves."
Jews: "No Jew living today outside Palestine has any true backbone nor do they have any right to speak about 'God' or 'their nation' or 'the twelve tribes.'"
ON MAY 21, 1983, Roland Church, a farrier and a cult member, called Suzanne Cloutier, a former practical nurse at the North Country Hospital in nearby Newport. Church told Cloutier, who lives in Or- leans, that his thirteen-year-old daughter Darlynn had been stripped to her underpants and beaten for seven hours by elder Charles (Eddie) Wiseman, Elbert Spriggs's apparent surrogate in Island Pond (Spriggs himself lives in France). After meeting with Cloutier, Roland Church issued a state- ment to the press to that effect. Three days after the beating, Cloutier saw "twenty-four marks -- linear scars -- on Dartynn's legs." SRS in Newport has pictures of Darlynn's scars, and emergency-room records at the North Country Hospital confirm Church's story and those of Darlynn Church and Suzanne Cloutier.
According to Cloutier, Ro- land Church and his wife, Connie, drew diagrams of the bedrooms in communal houses in which children were beaten -- information that Cloutier turned over to the state. Both Darlynn and Church's older daughter Rolanda told Cloutier of many other beatings they had-witnessed. Both Darlynn and Rolanda, Suzanne Cloutier says, were "no more physically developed than a ten-year-old," presumably as the result of malntutrition.
Another former cult member, Carol Fritog, told Cloutier of five teenage girls going into a bedroom and being told, by an unmarried church elder, "Take off your clothes, take off everything."
Children have been beaten, according to former members, for asking for one more strawberry, for refusing to take a nap, for wetting the bed.
Suzanne Cloutier's involvement with the Northeast Kingdom church began when Juan Mattatall came to her for help in 1982. Mattatall, a member of the cult for seven years, sued for custody of his five children, who had disap- peared into the maws of the church. He did eventually gain custody of the children -- one of whom, one-year-old Lydia Mattatall, was found living at the time in Nova Scotia with Spriggs.
Before Mattatall gained permanent custody of his children, he recorded two of his daughters, eight-year-old Jennifer and six-year-old Anna, on tape:
"We want to feel decent," the voices say. "Do something like spanking us, or hit us . . . . Spank us or put us in the corner . . . . Do you rather put us in the corner, Papa? . . . If you love us . . . then you'll spank us. If you spank us, then you love us. If you don't spank us, then you don't love us . . . .
That's what it says in the Bible."
Three cult members wanted in abductions
Cops wait for fugitive
The Winnipeg Sun/April 2, 1993
By Donna Carreiro - Sun Staff Writer
Three members of a controversial religious cult which moved into Winnipeg this week are wanted across North America on child abduction charges, The Sun has learned. And police suspect at least one of the fugitives may be headed for Winnipeg -- if he's not here already.
"I wouldn't be suprised if that's why they cleared out of Nova Scotia," New Minas, N.S. RCMP Const. Wendell Muchison said yesterday. "They left when the pressure got on them about where the kid was."
Edward Isaac Dawson, 38, is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for the 1992 abduction of his son Michael, now 10. Dawson, a member of the Northeast Kingdom Community Church [aka "The Community" and "Twelve Tribes"], was last seen with his son in Barrington Passage, N.S. last year before disappearing--he likely hid out at one of the cult's Halifax safe houses, police said.
A New York man, distraught over his friend's total immersion in the Twelve Tribes, has set up an "underground railroad" to help teens flee the allegedly abusive, mind-controlling cult.
"When we pick these kids up, they're afraid," Kevin Coughlin said of the former members he has helped leave the controversial religious sect. "They're told that if they leave, they're no longer under the anointed and they could be killed. At the very least, (they're told) they'll go to the `Lake of Fire.' "
((A) any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that, if the person did not enter into or continue in such condition, that person or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint; INSERTED BY EDITOR)
Coughlin, who lives in upstate New York near Albany, has helped several people leave the group in recent months, including Zeb and Nathan Wiseman, sons of the cult's second in command, Charles "Eddie" Wiseman. Zeb Wiseman fled in May, just days after his 18th birthday, by hopping into Coughlin's pickup truck during a planned late-night escape from the group's Cambridge, N.Y., commune. Zeb lived in a Taunton "safe house" for a few weeks, worked closely with Middleboro-based cult deprogrammer Robert Pardon, and is now staying with relatives in Georgia.
Coughlin's name is well-known among children who were born into the cult and many contact him through e-mail, seeking help leaving. He helps arrange their flight and then harbors them in a network of safe houses run by ex-members who know what the children need to assimilate into the mainstream.
"You walk into the community and see everyone smiling, but then there's what's going on inside. All people see is one big happy family, but they don't see what's underneath,"
He says the escapees he's dealt with tell horrific tales of routine physical and mental abuse. Some say they've been locked in basements and closets, whipped with thin sticks and forced to work in the cult's factories, making soap, furniture and other products sold commercially by the Twelve Tribes. Teens are "shuttled back and forth on the Mass Pike" between New York and Massachusetts, laboring or working construction jobs for any of the group's various contracting businesses.
"These kids say they're working all the time. They push, push, push," Coughlin said. "A lot of the communities' success is on the backs of these young men. Many, many hours. And they make no money. Everything is for the community."
One teen living with Coughlin said he was punished for "sexual immorality" at age 9 and spent a month in a basement. He wasn't allowed to leave and was given only a bucket to go to the bathroom.
"I've heard enough now to know, this isn't just one kid exaggerating. It's normal for these kids to experience this type of craziness," he said. "Thank God some of these kids are coming out. You can see how angry some of the kids get."
The group homeschools the children until about age 14, but because the kids are often shuttled between communities, it's difficult for states to track their progress. Coughlin said the children who leave are immediately given basic skills tests and routinely score below average. One recent teenage defector failed the math portion with a score of 20 and barely passed the English section.
"His first instinct was to get angry at the people who were supposedly teaching him," Coughlin said. "He said, `I've never even heard of half of this stuff."
The Twelve Tribes stole my sister.
My sister now talks like them. She says kids need to be obedient, as one might say about a bad dog. She has sent me their closed-minded literature, filled with Christian dominion talking points. It took her months to reply to my letter, after I am sure, it was read by the entire cult. She works at their café, for free. The money she received from a horrible accident settlement is now in their eye sight. They want the money. She wants to give it to them. It doesn’t matter this Cult just purchased two buildings in Ithaca totaling $1 million. They see that they’ve conquered my little sister. And all she had had now belongs to them. That money was supposed to be for college. She wanted to be a nurse. Now she won’t go to college. College is evil, she says. She won’t learn much at all. Half the freaks in their cult can’t even spell. They may preach a life without material things, but their actions with my little sister prove otherwise. They’ve stolen her from our family, albeit dysfunctional, but the love existed. It was there. In my sister’s quest for wisdom, she fell into a brainwashing trap.
So, Twelve Tribes, feel proud that you’ve stolen another lost soul. But none of you will reach the pristine afterlife one gains from wisdom and inner peace. The Twelve Tribes are tainted with controversy and it’s less based on the newspaper clippings of allegations of racism, child abuse and barbarian lifestyle. It’s all based, to me, on your ideology.
I want my sister back.
This sad story shows how the Ithaca group can survive even without making great profits at Maté Factor: they appropriate the college funds of recruits. No need for college anymore now that you know that your true purpose in life is to produce the children who will produce the children that will be "martyred against Beast."
State Probes Cult in Child-Labor Scandal
NY Post.com/April 9, 2001
By Jeane Macintosh
A bizarre upstate cult that uses unpaid kid laborers to churn out products - some in Robert Redford's catalog - is under scrutiny by state labor officials following a Post report on their practices.
In the wake of The Post's report Sunday on the Twelve Tribes cult's child-labor practices, the state Labor Department has "launched an official investigation in the matter," says Betsy McCormack, a state Labor Department spokeswoman. The case is also being closely monitored by the state Attorney General's Office for criminal wrongdoing. "Common-law apprenticeship is just another word for indentured servitude, which is illegal," said Marc Violette, spokesman for N.Y. Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
Court Puts 6 in Family at Bonny Oaks
The Chattanooga Times/September 20, 1977
by Libby Wann
The Yellow Deli took the six small children of Mrs.Wilma Castleberry, separated them among Yellow Deli in three states, made at least one wash dishes until "11 or 12 at night" and refused to return them to their family until the police ordered them to do so, the children's mother testified Monday in Juvenile Court. Conflicting testimony concerning the status of three girls and three boys, aged seven to 12-years-old, resulted in Juvenile Court Judge Dixie Smith ordering the youngsters declared dependent and neglected and placed in the custody of Bonny Oaks School. Mrs. Castleberry's wishes in petitioning the court.
Sect woos recruits among the fairy floss at Easter Show
The Sydney Morning Herald March 24, 2008
By Tim Elliott
Among the fairy floss and fun rides at this year's Royal Easter Show, one of the most popular attractions is the Common Ground cafe, a wholefood outlet that specialises in organic breads and barramundi burgers.
The show's website touts the cafe's "unique flavours and energy", calling it "a must for every showgoer".
But the Common Ground cafe is one of several businesses owned and operated by the Community Apostolic Order, also known as the Twelve Tribes, a messianic Christian sect accused by former members of harsh child discipline which in some cases could amount to child abuse, family break-up and thought control.
"The Twelve Tribes is a destructive cult that tears families apart," said a former member, Matthew Klein. "They're using the Easter Show to recruit new members and hand out their pamphlets."
Founded in 1971 in Tennessee by a former carnival barker called Elbert Eugene Spriggs, the 3000-strong group has been embroiled in several high-profile scandals overseas. Members in the US were convicted recently of child sex offences and child labour violations.
"This is a secretive group that's causing grief to a lot of people," said David Millikan, a Uniting Church minister and cult expert. "Their whole history is surrounded by untold stories of destruction."
In Australia, former members tell of child beatings and slave-like working conditions. "It's exploitative," says George, a former ex-member who worked at the cafe in 2001. "You're brainwashed, working up to 20 hours a day baking bread and setting up the cafe, and you don't see a cent."
Mr Klein, who helped set up the cafe in 2001, said there was "never any "workers' comp, insurance or superannuation paid and it's dangerous work: we were all sleep-deprived and carrying around pieces of steel that weighed up to 500 kilograms, with no proper training and no crane."
The group has 60 members in Australia. Most live on a nine-hectare property at Picton. Members are encouraged to surrender all possessions upon joining. They cannot marry outside the group, and have no access to newspapers, magazines or TV.
"You're told that if you leave the cult you'll go to hell," Mr Klein said. "If you talk out against them, you get cut off from family members who are still in there. And if you kick up too much of a stink, they just move you to one of their tribes overseas."
Harsh discipline is one of the group's central tenets, as detailed in their 267-page Child Training Manual. Written by Spriggs (aka Yoneq), the manual claims that "the rod is an instrument of love", and that "you must make it hurt enough to produce the desired result".
Beatings are administered with a balloon stick on the bare bottom or hands, which, the manual claims, produces a pain "that goes deep into the child, right to the heart, like electricity".
"The beatings were quite constant," said Michael Curry, who spent a year at the Picton commune.
"When I got out I went to DOCS with my complaints, but they said I needed evidence."
He also raised his concerns with the Royal Easter Show, "asking whether it was appropriate that this group be at such a family friendly event. They just shrugged their shoulders."
"I came extremely close to getting sucked in by the Twelve Tribes in Warsaw, Missouri. They seek out weak depressed people and show them a 'natural/ hippie' life that is enticing to someone like me who loves those ways. I stayed there weekends and would drive hours just to see them. It was weird, like something overcame my mind and I could not think for myself. They made it seem so peaceful and full of love, but there were strange things not explained and the women looked very unhappy when they didn't think you were watching. They seemed trapped and lost in this cult, with their kids and controlling husbands, cleaning and cooking with not enough food. The men looked sickly, very skinny and almost malnourished. Thank goodness I didn't sell everything and move there. There was a point when I almost did and it scared the crap out of me."
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"The Twelve Tribes once told me that Native Americans were wicked people, because they left Asia and came to North America. They said God wanted those people to stay in Russia and Asia and that they disobeyed God by leaving.
The Twelve Tribes takes everything a person has in the name of 'Master Yahshua'. You are lovingly stripped of all your money, possessions, and most basic freedoms. Your whole life is controlled. The songs, music, gatherings and many of the people are beautiful and full of love, but what's behind it all is not God, love or freedom. There is zero tolerance for any deviation, which is judged as 'foolish,' 'worldly,' 'disobedient,' 'rebellious,' or 'lawless.' What they call 'salvation' is renouncing all you ever were and hoped to be, joining their group, never ever leaving and always doing what you're told. They call it 'taking on the mind of The Body.'
Otherwise, you are told that you're living a 'rebellious, rotten, stinking life apart from Yahshua in the world, without God, without hope and headed to 1,000 years of Death or the Eternal Lake of Fire.'
If you visit the Tribes, look behind the happy smiles and loving talk. There is more; Much more. As they say, 'It's through much trial and tribulation that we enter the Kingdom.' And as their 'Apostle' says, 'The longer you're here, the harder it becomes to remain.' Does this sound like a happy life?"
** ** **
"My mother joined when I was 2, back when it was still the 'Vine Street Community,' in Chattanooga, TN. When they moved up North we went too and lived there until just after my 7th birthday. People who have left this cult are not exaggerating about what goes on in it. I remember being beaten regularly until I bled. I was always stripped naked and beaten with a switch from the back of my neck to my ankles, until I could barely stand. This would happen in private or in front of the household as a lesson. I was often separated from my mother for up to 3 months at a time and left to fend for myself. I slept on floors, when no one would let me into their bed. I saw several newborns die from lack of medical care. They were buried in unmarked graves. My 13-year-old brother was put in the single men's home and worked like a dog every day.
My mother's breaking point finally came when she was bleeding to death and needed an emergency hysterectomy. The community refused to help and said, 'Let God heal her.'
We left with literally nothing, but the clothing on our backs. Pulling out of the driveway we saw Eddie Wiseman coming, apparently alerted by someone in our household. It was tough starting over with nothing, but I know if we'd stayed my mom would be dead and I would have been married off at the age of 17 and maybe died in childbirth.
I thank God everyday that we made it out alive."
Exerpts from:
Note From A Former Yellow Deli Member
The Chattanoogan May 9, 2008 By D. Lance, Former member
If you ask a terrorist if they are a terrorist, they will say no. If you ask a cult member if they are in a cult, they will say no.
Normally, when people use the word cult in a derogatory sense, it is based upon Webster's definition:
"a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious." To take it further, "spurious" means "outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities: FALSE."
Commonly in today's world, the word cult implies something dangerous, something that is to be feared. Ever since Charles Manson and Jim Jones and the like, the use of the word cult has conjured up fearful images. So, I agree that the word shouldn't be thrown around lightly.
Hear me, please, as a former member --- the Twelve Tribes is a cult. The proof of what they are and what they do cannot and will never be found by visiting the deli and eating a sandwich -that is just one of the things they do to fund their homes and community. I used to serve those sandwiches with a smile myself. No, the servers don't solicit. They are sweet, wholesome and the atmosphere is outstanding. None of that is in question. The question is, "are you sure you want to support what this group stands for with your dollars?"
Don't you usually think at least twice before making donations to causes? Be informed, please. Please.
How can they convince you to want to submit to their authority and give up your free will?
They start by telling you that everything you have learned and heard outside is from the "evil one" and you need to "clear your mind". Simultaneously, they "love-bomb" you and give you a taste of utopia to get you in the right state of mind so you can "receive" their message. You start to think, "How can such sincere loving people be wrong"? They seem so happy and satisfied and all their needs are met. But unfortunately, you are only given the veneer of the real truth. In reality, most of the followers are dog-tired and struggle to stay faithful. They are worked 80-90 hours a week and don't really have the time to live this utopian life and love-on their kids the way they say they do.
In fact many of the accusations and condemnations they make of the outside "world" and "Christianity" specifically, are true of them. So it is not until you come to a point where you are willing to "die to yourself" and "give everything" to follow "Yahshuah" that you start to get a glimpse of the truth
. And like the poor credit card holder, it is only after you have quit your job or dropped out of college, left your family and sometimes that means husbands/wives and children, told them they are all going to hell unless they follow you, turned over your vehicle and bank accounts and have no means of providing for yourself that you are given access to the "pearls" or inner teachings. Of course this is after you are baptized where you are required to denounce your former beliefs (Christianity or other religion/philosophies) and make a vow to "never leave" the body.
This is when you hear that Yoneq is the "anointed" and has a direct line to God and his teachings and words are equivalent to God speaking
(2) and therefore are to be followed without question. You learn that he is the Elijah that has come back to earth to call people out of the world and Christianity
(3). That Christianity, (which is their main target for recruitment) was an apostate church that has not had the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) for over 1900 years
(4). That you are not allowed to think or "reason" for yourself about anything outside of the teachings and direction of Yoneq and his band of elders
(5). And unless you beat your children until their wounds are blue, you are not being a loving father or mother, in fact you hate your children.
(6) And if you are a good follower and submit all your loyalty to Yoneq's teaching, you will one day be a God of your own Universe or Galaxy. (??? ed.)
(7). And these are just a sample of the bizarre teachings that you will be expected to believe and submit to without question.
And what if you choose not to submit? And what if you want to ask a question? Then you are free to leave. In fact you are encouraged to leave and sometimes just plain asked to get out. The only problem is, you have already alienated your family and friends, you have no money or your own no vehicle and even the clothes on your back are not yours; they belong to the community. If they are feeling generous, they will give you $200 to "get by", but ultimately you are "cut-off". (8)
Spare the rod and spoil the child
Harsh discipline of children is a central tenet of a religious sect operating in Picton
The Sydney Morning Herald By Tim Elliott
March 24, 2008
In 1999 Matthew Klein had a revelation. Fed up with mainstream Christianity, the then 30-year-old industrial chemist, his wife and two young children went to live on a nine-hectare commune at Picton run by a Christian sect called the Twelve Tribes. "I wanted to be a good Christian, and I admired what I thought was this group's commitment."
Klein sold his house and business, emptied his bank account and surrendered it all to the "community", whose members were only known by biblical names. "When you join you abandon your 'worldly name' and adopt a Hebrew one," he says. "I became Lev Qadash, which is Hebrew for 'dedicated heart'." But it wasn't long before Klein began noticing "odd things" about the group. He knew that the 60 or so members weren't allowed to marry outsiders or to vote, and that they had no access to newspapers, magazines or TV. But questioning the elders was also strictly prohibited. "We were told that reasoning was the same sin as witchcraft," he says.
Then there were the "ridiculously long" work hours. "The group owns bakeries and cafes and operates a restaurant at the Royal Easter Show. Sometimes you were working 20-hour days, for no pay. There's plenty of money coming in, but no one who works there ever sees any of it."
Most disturbing of all, however, was the child discipline. In an effort to keep their minds pure, Twelve Tribes children aren't allowed to have toys, play games or make-believe. If a child disobeys these rules or fails to respond to an adult, he or she is hit on the bare bottom or hand with a 45-centimetre, reed-like stick, one of which is kept above the door ledge in every room.
"One spanking generally consisted of three to six hits," Klein says, with the rod regarded as "an instrument of love, not punishment".
"One day I left my two-year-old boy with an elder while I went and worked. When I came back, I asked how it went and he said, 'We had a few problems but we got over them'. He said that my boy wouldn't come to him so he'd spanked him. When he still wouldn't come, he spanked him again. I asked him how many times that happened and he said, 'About 10 or 12'. So he'd hit my boy about 60 times in the course of the day."
It was then that Klein realized something was "majorly wrong". But such was the sect's power that he spent another year with group, during which time he and his family were moved to a community in Canada, to avoid the attention of his parents. "That's what they do: if you talk out against them, you get cut off from family members who are still in there. And if you kick up too much of a stink, they just move you overseas."
Klein finally left in 2001, and has since regained custody of his children. But he hasn't seen his wife for seven years.
"The kids wonder why she doesn't get in touch. I'm not even sure where she is."
Q: Does anyone know what it is like for the women in this place? What their daily life is like? How their husbands treat them? And what do the single women do for fun? (October 21, 2010 at 6:35 pm)
Lynn - This is an excellent question to ask concerning the TT. The TT operates on the basis of clearly defined gender roles. For example - the married women and single sisters perform the cleaning and cooking in the communal homes. The women also slave their lives away working in the various cafes and Yellow Deli’s for the enrichment of the cult leader Elbert Eugene Spriggs. I must not forget to tell you that a primary role of the married women is that of baby maker! Elbert Spriggs produced a teaching that dictates that every married woman must produce at least seven children regardless of her health. Some single sisters work in the training and homeschooling of the young children. An average workday for both men and women is between 16 to 18 hours. Not much sleep. I remember one time in two and a half years the single sisters enjoyed an ice cream social. This was a rare event because we begged and scraped for change to buy the ice cream.
** ** **
The Late Amber Brown’s Dad:
Make sure you soak those balloon sticks in oil first so they won’t break as easy as you show your love for Tribes members by making black and blue welts on the palms of their hands and their bottoms, just as they show their frequent love for the community children.
A cult runs the Yellow Deli Cafe in Vista, California. The food is sub par and while one is waiting for their order they receive blank, soulless stares from cult members. They claim to grow organic food on the Morning Star Ranch but actually they purchase from any source possible. They suck in easily manipulated persons with their corny sense of Humanity. The slave labor of the community members vastly enriches the Leader. Here is what this cult leader dictates to his brainwashed “sheep”:
“From the cradle to the grave you must discipline your children. From the age of 6 months you would start disciplining them with a rod on the palm of their hands and then you would stop when they are about one year old. From there you would discipline the children with a rod on their buttocks until they submit…" Elbert Eugene Spriggs
Do you really want to contribute to the next Jonestown?
** ** **
- Michael Niman in Buffalo's ArtVoicE: "The Twelve Tribes is building its empire by feeding on the resources of some of the world’s most progressive communities, specifically because they are also apathetic and self-indulgent enough to support even those organizations who are ideologically opposed to their very presence. Hence, we see the Twelve Tribes prospering, for example, with a restaurant on Ithaca, New York’s signature Commons, despite that city’s history for progressive politics."
** ** **
John Sullivan in Ithaca Community News: "Somehow, because their doctrines and practices come wrapped in religious convictions, they have been immune from the kind of criticism that would otherwise be marshaled against them.
We suspect most people eating at Maté Factor on any given day would say that they find nostalgia for slavery and patriarchy, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and child beating rather revolting.
We think most would choose to spend their money elsewhere if they were aware that Twelve Tribes exploits people and promotes these things." -
The New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR), a countercult organization, has done extensive research into this group (among other things, the NEIRR has examined 20 years worth of the group's teachings).
NEIRR writes:
"High control groups traditionally have "inner and outer" doctrine. The "outer doctrine" is for public consumption and the "inner doctrine" is for the "elect members" of the group. This is not to say that there is necessarily a conflict between the two, however, "inner doctrine" will reflect more clearly the true nature, beliefs and practices of the group.
In the Messianic Communities they have both inner and outer doctrine. Their outer doctrine is the Freepapers and other works they make available to the public and press.
Their inner doctrine, which can only be understood if you are under the "anointing," are the teachings of their self proclaimed "apostle," Elbert Eugene Spriggs. He is referred to in the group as "Yoneq."
Of the over 1,000 teachings that we have gone over, clearly 95% of them are from him. They were not given to us by the Communities because we are not under the "anointing" and therefore could not possibly understand them. Rather, former members who had been in leadership positions have provided us with them.
We were accused of misrepresenting the reality of life in the Twelve Tribes by distorting these teachings of the "apostle." Thus, we post these representative teachings, with very little editorial comment, for the benefit of any who desire to truly know the "fruit" of the life of this group. Draw your own conclusions.
Source: Teachings Of The "Apostle," Elbert Eugene Spriggs, collected by the New England Institute of Religious Research
The primary vehicle of control within the Communities are the "teachings." Since Spriggs is the source of new doctrines and the standard which measures the truth of any other teachings his influence is singular and absolute. Sociologically, the group has become more controlling over the years and more theologically deviant. A large part of the reason for this is the extreme isolation of the group. People live in community and look and behave alike. People also are not allowed to have any diversity of opinion, and certainly never question the leadership of the "anointing." They are also cut off from outside intellectual stimulation and challenge. What information is fed to the average Communities member is thoroughly filtered through the narrow lens of Spriggs' construct of reality. This is not to say that he personally reviews every piece of disseminated literature. However, it is his theological "never, never land" that has a secure and steadied influence over every aspect of Communities life.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ should set a person free. However, people in Messianic Communities become increasingly weighed down with an ever expanding number of rules and regulations that demand strict adherence. To deviate from these regulations is to be "cut-off" from the "Body" and potentially be sent away. This is analogous to being damned. This is all managed with the greatest sincerity.
Our initial reactions, when we first had the privilege to visit various Communities, were only positive. We have met many, many fine people who have given up their lives to Messianic Communities. Thus, upon first exposure to the group there does appear to be a love that is demonstrated in a way not often found in Christianity.
However, there is a seamier side to Communities life. The devastation in most ex-member's lives, and the teachings of Spriggs, evidence a litany of spiritual and emotional abuse. In their zeal to "forsake all for Yahshua" it is, in reality, a forsaking all for the Communities. This is because the members commitment to Messianic Communities is their commitment to God. This is a common confusion that often occurs in high control groups."
Parents are required to discipline their children by striking them with a thin balloon rod dipped in resin to make it sturdy, or a bamboo stick. Children are also locked in basements and rooms, sometimes for weeks. Griffin says she often beat her own and other members' children for various violations of the group's strict mantra. The group doesn't allow children to pretend or fantasize and bans magazines, books, TV, music and toys. Children are homeschooled and put to work in the group's factories and shops by age 14, ex-members say.
Shortly after leaving the group, their son, Israel, died in a car accident. The cult used the teen's death as a scare tactic to potential defectors and as a tool to try and lure them back.
Cult leader travels the world in style
Second of two parts.
Boston Herald/September 5, 2001
By Dave Wedge
While his loyal followers toil in shops and factories or work the fields for the common good of the Twelve Tribes, the controversial cult's elusive leader Elbert Eugene "Yoneq" Spriggs travels the globe, bedding down in palatial homes in southern France, Brazil and Cape Cod, former members say.
Constantly scoping out sites for new compounds, ex-members say Spriggs' life is a nonstop whirlwind global tour filled with frequent stays in private digs in Sus, France; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and a lakefront home in Brewster. Throughout his travels, Spriggs spreads his gospel to his loyal followers, handing down bizarre New Testament interpretations, some of which promote racism, homophobia, child abuse and child labor.
"They have lots of money and they give most of it to Yoneq," 18-year-old former member Zebulun Wiseman says. "He's constantly flying around. He lives a life of luxury." Spriggs, the sect's reclusive 64-year-old "super apostle," founded the fringe fundamentalist group after claiming he received a "vision" from God on a California beach in 1971.
"She gets to shop and fly around the world while all the other women are in the communities taking care of children," Wiseman, son of the group's second-in-command, Charles "Eddie" Wiseman, said. "And all the other men are working their butts off, but Yoneq is out living it up."
"They are controlled by an absolute totalitarian leader. (Spriggs) runs the show," said noted cult expert Rick Ross. "He rules in a very singular role of absolute authority. He sees himself as an intermediary between God and the world."
Ross, who has butted heads with the Twelve Tribes on national TV, says the cult's finances are a complex "labyrinth" of corporations and trusts - none of which are in Spriggs' name but all of which line his pockets. He draws comparisons between Spriggs and doomsday cultists like David Koresh of the Waco, Texas, Branch Davidians and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Moonies, saying Spriggs is creating a brainwashed mass of blind followers whose very existence hinges on his every word.
"They abuse children and they exploit members for virtual slave labor for nothing more than room and board,'' Ross said, comparing Spriggs' tactics to those of doomsday cult leaders like David Koresh and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
"They preach that the end of the world is coming very soon. This gives the group a real crisis mentality. It creates urgency and that's a very useful tool for Mr. Spriggs.''
After years of being abused, forced to work in factories, brainwashed and denied a normal childhood, Zebulun Wiseman finally found the strength to run from the ``high-control cult'' he says robbed him of his identity.
"Growing up in there, I saw the inside scoop. There's a lot of things there that just weren't right,'' Wiseman, the 18-year-old son of the group's second in command, Charles "Eddie'' Wiseman, said of living within the Twelve Tribes. "Spanking kids, locking them up. You can't have your own money. They work you. I mean really work you. And you don't get paid. The money goes to the group.''
Wiseman, who spoke out for the first time in an exclusive Herald interview, said he was beaten, locked in rooms and mentally tormented by members who used his mother's 1990 cancer death as an example of what happens to sinners. She was denied medical care, he said.
..."It's like a big mind game. You don't have any choice (for) yourself,'' Zeb said. "They subtly control you. When everyone's that controlled, the elders have a lot of power. They really don't care about other people, they just want authority."
...Mr Klein said while members like to say there are no barbed wire fences restricting them, he maintains members are trapped not by their surrounds, but by mind and financial control.
"You are not paid wages, super or any worker's compensation, you work long hours six days per week, sometimes doing dangerous work you're not qualified to do."
Mr Klein, a qualified teacher, describes the education provided to Twelve Tribes children as abysmal.
"They don't want to expose children to anything outside of the cult, they don't get taught critical analysis and are disciplined for using their imagination.
"Their Child Discipline Manual is not handed out anymore, but they still tell you how to follow it.
"The manual says stripes or marks from disciplining shows love - the stripes are from hitting with a bamboo stick that leaves welts.”
"I saw that going on in Picton all the time."
"Haylee Donathan, the 4-year-old Ohio girl that went missing May 28 with her mother and a convicted sex offender, was found Tuesday at the Morning Star Ranch ran by the Twelve Tribes in California, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. The nationwide search for Haylee Donathan, her mother Candace Watson, and sex offender Robbi Potter ended at a Christian ranch (the Twelve Tribes) outside Los Angeles after authorities followed up on a tip."
The group practices its own herbal medicine and faith healing and Griffin says she knew of members who endured lengthy illnesses and some who died because of a lack of proper medical care. "If you went to a doctor, you weren't having faith," she said. "Sometimes, in emergencies, they do go to doctors, but there's other cases where people have died because they didn't."
Griffin suffered from severe arthritis and a thyroid condition but was told she was stricken because she and her husband were "sinners." Rather than take her to see a physician, the group held meetings, during which they scrutinized the couple's life, searching for a reason why she was inflicted with the painful ailment. Ultimately, it was decided that she got sick because Roger worked too much and was neglecting the family, she said.
You are extremely naive, or perhaps willfully ignorant, if you think that no comments on this article means that this cult does not interfere with anyone's life. This patriarchal, authoritarian, totalitarian group is very similar to cults such as the Exclusive Brethren, the Children of God/Family International, and other fundamentalist, evangelical, bible-based groups. They present one face to the public, but the reality behind closed doors is something else.
They are wolves in sheep's clothing, conning and deceiving people like you.
10 March, 2009 4:51 PM
chucksmix@me.com said...
Dear Anonymous, I thought the same thing at first until my son in law just abandoned my daughter and my grand daughter to join this group. They were a wonderful couple with no major marital issues until this group convinced him that unless he hates his father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife and children that he is not worthy to be a disciple (luke 14:26). Having been Christians for years, we are familiar with this verse and can see clearly how distorted their interpretation is and how utterly devastating this is to families.
If it was a wonderful life, over half of their children would not later leave, and would not be shunned for doing so. I used to be a member. It's impossible to really understand this group unless you live there for several months or talk to people who grew up in the Tribes.
Both those who stayed and those who left.
If you live in the Tribes, you are not allowed to say anything negative about the lifestyle or any of the teachings. Once you leave, you again have freedom of speech. This is a very complicated group. They have a right to exist and live the way they wish. They also have a responsibility to report pedophiles to law enforcement when some get into their group and abuse is evident.
The tribes never, never call the police, when they should. They'll kick a person out of the community, but will never call the police.
And, concerning their child and baby discipline, do you really think it helps a child or baby to be hit with the balloon sticks. And, do you agree with the TT Cham teaching that black people should still be slaves to white people, if they don't join the Tribes?
The TT has some really messed up teachings. That's why I'm no longer there. If you just look at the cafe's and baked goods and working together, and that's all, yes, it can seem like a wonderful life. I wish it were. But there's more to the picture.
20 October, 2010 6:04 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with the last comment. After living there for 14 years you really see the truth behind the lies. Not all are bad in there. But the ones who take their authority to the level of self gain, self glorification to the point they belittle you and others is sick.
And no, spanking a 6mth old baby does not do any good! It's true the police are not phoned when it is needed. And those in Authority who do bad things get away with it. Because they don't have to account for their own sins. Why? Because they know how terrible it is to have to stand in front of the 'body' and be told by whom ever wants to; how bad a person you are! And that you need to repent.
Basicly the whole thing is to put fear in you and belittle you as a human being. Squashing any independence left in you. They also do this in front of your childern making them feel ashamed,afraid and embaressed for their parents.This also creates hate and just a negative influence on childern.
Exerpted from:
On The Seventh Day He Violated Me
Girl Health 2004
In 1987 my parents had been in a cult called "the Twelve Tribes" for two years. My mom gave birth to me without the assistance of any doctors, anesthetics, nurses, or hospital beds. It is forbidden to go to hospitals or have a normal life in our cult. Yoneq, our leader, had made these things forbidden to all members so that they would have no contact with the outside world. That ensured the cult leader there would be no interference with his brainwashing process. It took my mom five long, painful days to give birth to me because of cult law. . .
...(age 7): My sister, his daughter, and I were escorted to Aquilla's room. We were told to take off all our clothes, even our underwear. Aquilla got an oiled bamboo rod and then he started to touch our butts with his hands. All three of us thought that there was nothing wrong with this because we were always getting punished. Even though no one had touched us in this manner we thought of punishment as a normal thing.
Although we didn't like what was happening, we had no idea that we were experiencing sexual abuse. He began to spank us with the rod leaving big welts on our bottoms and thighs. We cried, but we were used to this kind of torture. This was the way of the cult. The children of the cult must have been beaten at least once everyday in a similar fashion for anything an adult thought was bad.
After the welting, Aquilla (Ricky Kendricks) proceeded to use the rod to violate our bodies in the worst way imaginable. I remember feeling weird and being in a lot of pain. The pain was from the beating, the guilt, and the 7-inch rod that was inserted into my private parts. After he was done he told us all a phrase that I will never forget, "Now we can be FRIENDS."
I never told my parents about this event until years later when we had escaped the cult. When it happened I said nothing because it wasn't necessarily unusual for me to get punished. I was worried that they would be upset at Aquilla, that would lead to me getting further punishment from him.
My family finally left the cult in 1996, after many more disturbing events that have scarred me for life. It has taken many therapy sessions and life lessons to get to where I can write about my experiences in this way.
Twelve Tribes is led by Elbert Eugene Spriggs, who believes his is the only "true" church. Members live communally, supporting themselves by making candles, soaps, furniture and other products that are sold through various business arms, including Common Wealth furniture and Common Sense natural products.
Its racist teachings and a strict child-discipline policy have brought the group considerable controversy.
According to founder Spriggs, "Submission to [white people] is the only provision by which [blacks] will be saved."
He also advocates beating children with resin-dipped rods when they misbehave, because "the only way to erase the guilt in a child's selfish heart is with the rod."
Children start working alongside parents as young as 6 years old.
NY Post.com/April 9, 2001
"But the parent cult has a lengthy court history of child abuse and abduction in the United States. In one high profile case, Darlyn Church, 13 claimed she was stripped to her underwear and given a seven hour "scourging" with a cane. Defecting senior members Michael Painter and James Howell have claimed some have been beaten almost to the point of death. US authorities have discovered infants who died at childbirth, buried on cult property. Child deaths, often through negligence, go unreported"
Cult children are not allowed toys, pets, or bicycles and are schooled on site. They can be beaten for showing emotion, imagination, for playing make-believe, for not responding on the first command and even crying. Children are taught to love their beatings and neglecting to discipline a child is regarded as an act of hatred.
The Sunday Mail/August 22, 1999
Robert Pardon is director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR), Rev. Pardon is also an AIIA Resource Associate. He holds a B.A. in Eastern religions from the University of Michigan, an M.Div from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and Th.M from Princeton Theological Seminary.
“They teach that Yahshua (Christ) cannot return until the Community replants the Twelve Tribes of Israel geographically on the earth. The first Church fell away and Yahshua waits in heaven for His bride to prepare herself, and cannot return until she does.
Nowhere in Scripture, Kevin, does it teach that Christ is held captive in heaven until His bride (the Church) replants herself on the earth as Twelve Tribes.”
A visitor to the Picton community said toddlers were taught to hold their hands out to be beaten and were hit more if they cried. "David," a visitor to the Picton community who did not want to be identified, said children were lashed up to six times with a 1 m cane. In some cases the beatings were repeated 20 times a day - even for a two year old. "The rod is forceful enough to cause pain. But I think what hurts me more is that the child's spirit is broken," David said.
The Sunday Mail/August 22, 1999
After compiling and formatting this material for public awareness pursuant to the Boycot, the author googled "Slavery Law" and came upon:
Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
[Note that "slavery" and "involuntary servitude" are separately itemized. Voluntary is moot. Slavery is an institutional economic apparatus ("venture") ed.]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
PUBLIC LAW 106-386-OCT. 28, 2000
(Excerpted; underscores added)
An Act To combat trafficking in persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and involuntary servitude, to reauthorize certain Federal programs to prevent violence against women, and for other purposes.
(22) One of the founding documents of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, recognizes the inherent dignity and worth of all people. It states that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
The right to be free from slavery and involuntary servitude is among those unalienable rights.
Within the context of slavery, servitude, and labor or services which are obtained or maintained through coercive conduct that amounts to a condition of servitude, victims are subjected to a range of personal violations.
(13) Involuntary servitude statutes are intended to reach cases in which persons are held in a condition of servitude through nonviolent coercion.
(2) COERCION.-The term "COERCION" means:
(A) threats of serious harm to or physical restraint
against any person;
(B) any scheme, plan, or pattern
intended to cause a person to believe that failure
to perform an act would result in serious harm to
or physical restraint against any person; or
(C) the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.
(5) INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE.-The term "involuntary servitude" includes a condition of servitude induced by means of-
(A) any scheme, plan, or pattern
intended to cause a person to believe that,
if the person did not enter into or continue
in such condition, that person or another person
would suffer serious harm or physical restraint; or
(B) the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.
(D) Whoever knowingly provides or obtains
the labor or services of a person-
(1) by threats of serious harm to, or physical
restraint against, that person or another person;
(2) by means of any scheme, plan, or pattern
intended to cause the person to believe that, if the
person did not perform such labor or services, that
person or another person would suffer serious harm
or physical restraint; or
(3) by means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law
or the legal process.
Whoever knowingly recruits, harbors, transports,
provides, or obtains by any means, any person
for labor or services in violation of this chapter
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than 20 years, or both.
(3) The term "VENTURE" means any group of two or more individuals associated in fact, whether or not a legal entity.
(a) Whoever knowingly destroys, conceals, removes,
confiscates, or possesses any actual or purported passport or other immigration document, or any other actual or purported government identification document, of another person. . . to prevent or restrict or to attempt to prevent or restrict, without lawful authority, the person's liberty to move or travel, in order to maintain the labor or services of that person. . . shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.
The readers will please note that EVERY ONE of the actionable parameters of this law are addressed and confirmed in the Internet Indictment as ongoing policy and behavior of the Twelve Tribes.
The "Federal Problem" raised above may be seen to be beyond Council's jurisdiction and the scope of this inquiry, but many local jurisdictions hosting this many-tentacled group report persistent problems with enforcement of local ordinances especially in zoning, health, and the concerns of Child Protective Agencies, and that is because the Federal Authorities do not prosecute this group as an Interstate Combine (RICO).
Perhaps your own Departments will report to you on their experiences with this group. If you have not seen "too much" of this kind of problem around here, that is because this is a recruitment center and they try harder to keep a clean public profile. But after they are recruited they are shipped off to Warsaw, Missouri, and elsewhere and that's where they become slaves.
Perhaps you have found that enforcement efforts are stonewalled with the threat of "Freedom of Religion" lawsuits. Make them prove it. Your sworn obligation is to sustain law as written, come what may. You are supported in that THERE IS NO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION TO ANY PUBLIC LAW.
The First Amendment gives you the right to "believe" anything you want, and within the general parameters of behavior determined by General Ordinance, to practice reverence thereunto with neither favorable nor unfavorable discrimination accruing to you as a result of ceremony or philosophy. But that does not give you the right to claim by religion to exceed, circumvent, disregard, or disobey those general parameters of the Public Law.
The Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of "EQUAL PROTECTION", which is the cornerstone of American Law, means that LAWS ARE APPLIED EVENLY TO ALL and that no person or group has a right to exemption for religious or any other reason. No one is above the law. And while we have many, many, many examples in real life where this Theory seems to fail in practice, still it is a Principle that will stand up for you in Court, should your decisions actually be challenged in that venue by the Twelve Tribes.
Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished
"1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
Note that "slavery" and "involuntary servitude" are separately itemized. Voluntary is moot. Slavery is an institutional economic apparatus ("venture") Deemed by the Court to possess and operate the objective, empirical, and historic architecture of a "slavery apparatus" as codified since Reconstruction times and before; that among these are:
1) Long hours at no pay.
2) Compressed housing.
3) Controlled, low protein diet.
4) Restricted outside contact.
5) Restricted travel and right of way
6) Inferior Medical Care / Inhumane treatment.
7) High birthrate.
8) High infant or general mortaity rate.
9) Shuttling.
10) Use of Threat.
11) Use of Corporal Discipline [Slave drivers use whips.]
In general a "slavery apparatus" is an organizational infrastructure designed to "keep", that is: house, feed, work, transport and/or breed humans in captivity and/or as chattel. This derived from specific issues of the Reconstruction era (1865/72) and antebellum border state and Kansas Territory law. Also appled in the "sweatshop era" of the early 1900's"
Not all of the above parameters are required, and why they say they do it is moot; any dogma is presumed to be schematic (that is: part of the “scheme”). An entity operating with these objective parameters is outlawed en toto by the 13th Amendment, and subject to impoundment by the Court. Criminal and civil penalties accrue to the operators and beneficiaries of the slave-driven Entity.
As stated earlier, this author was previously aware that this group was some kind of cult, with info restriction, fabricated dogma, self righteous attitudes, and militantcy beneath the thin veneer of pleasantry, factors which of themselves, are of little consequence; can be ignored or circumvented versus the service provided as the only late night nonalcoholic venue in the entire county. And so it is with most people around here who patronize them without further awareness.
But my sojourn through the dark truth of the twelve tribes as re-conveyed herein reveals a vivid and dangerous picture of a slave driven institution, of a slave BREEDING institution, with a will to undermine and repudiate free will, law, and honor, and establish a "kingdom on earth" in which everyone will be nothing more than an obedient slave. While I have little sympathy for those who sell out their birthright for delusion, when it comes to defenseless children, that's another matter.
Furthermore, I find that this 12 tribes racket has been going on for 35 years, that these Escapees and articles have been sounding a Red Alert about the TT consistently throughout that time, but that nothing is done; federal authorities remain clueless; local authorities helpless, and the Tribe continues to grow, to shanghai hapless youth, to destroy the spirit of children, and build a Slave army of over 3000 (known) and at least two generations of slave children. Frankly I am apalled that this institution has gone unchecked in America in the 21 century; 150 years after slavery was outlawed.
My view today is that 12tribe is one of the slickest and most cynical examples of straigt up corporate and personal GREED ever heard of with over 3000 straight up slaves enriching the "master", who thumbs his nose at law and society, and claims Christ exemption. But "know them by their works" shows his methods to be those of the other guy. Shaitan.
This material constitutes an indictment in absentia of the Twelve Tribes, which any "reasonable" federal judge could take as Probable Cause to issue an impoundment order under PUBLIC LAW 106 - 386, and at very least should impel the US Attorney, to pursue further investigation under this Title. Operators of the websites listed and other cult-watch groups, can provide hundreds more of these testimonials, and facilitate live interviews and testimony with many of those authors. I'm sure DOJ has much more data on this group than appears in public especially as relates to the corporate shell game/laundering, as well as the child-labor and undocumented stillbirths referenced above, which can be brought to bear.
A warning to all, however, that this cult is equated with the Jonestown/Waco syndrome, which, when placed under siege, resorts to incendiary rigging and self - immolation resulting in ugly incidents and massive loss of life. These children are defacto hostages today and will be extremely endangered unless officials executing any Order act simultaneously at all outposts and facilities swiftly and by surprise. As I quote from above:
. "No need for college anymore now that you know that your true purpose in life is to produce the children who will produce the
children that will be "martyred against Beast."
Meanwhile, as the govt dithers, the only other thing I can do is bring awareness of this "controversy" to the public and so the BOYCOT in Manitou will continue. I have to write everything in advance, because once this hits the street there won’t be time.
. 6/26/11
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